Site icon The Tandem Ramble


Visiting Valle and Karin in Madrid. (April 2015)

Hello, Everyone!

We are Marta and Ben, a Polish-German couple currently traveling the world. We’ve met last year, both with specified and fixed plans, following two different paths. And even though it seemed impossible, we decided to be together against all (so many!) odds. Since then we travel together, share big and small dreams, live great moments and face troubles. We laugh loud and argue loud, we cry, smile, party and have fun together each day.

We live in constant need to visit new places. We share the urge to discover, learn and understand new cultures, traditions and customs. We crave to see all world’s wonders. We want to meet beautiful people and get to know their stories. We would like to listen to local music, taste delicious food, swim in different seas and sleep under different skies. We wish to speak various languages but sometimes just stay speechless. We want an adventure.

Our dream and plan is to travel from Argentina to Alaska on a tandem bicycle and visit all the countries of South, Latin and North America. This means that we are going to cover the distance of 30 000 km in three years time.

We’ve created and launched this blog to write about our adventures, share the experience and travelling tips, publish videos and photos. We want our website to be not only a way to keep our family and friends updated, but also a reliable and solid source of information for a wider audience, especially other travellers and globetrotters. We hope that you will find our website useful and entertaining. Enjoy!

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